Friday, February 28, 2020

Ministry Integration Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ministry Integration Project - Essay Example Similarly, the experience of the graduate clergy education presents challenges and benefits for the nonstudent spouse1. They explain that these challenges extend beyond the classroom to also include social and economic issues, as well as academics. According Calian, "Seminary is graduate education that focuses on the theological, pastoral, and practical training of pastors and clergy2. It may take relatively long depending on the program one is undertaking. During this time, many couples find increased stressors and is also a period when non-students spouses feel left behind relationally, socially and vocationally3. Also, being married to a clergy graduate spouse would mean having to go some personal ambitions and desires of life and support ones partner in the ministry. According to the research that was done on the loneliness that most wives to clergy husbands face, seven of them confessed to having at one point felt guarded which in turn leads to loneliness4. These are real challenges that whoever is planning on joining a relationship with such seminary/theological graduates have to brace themselves to deal with. It is also clear that it may be worse, problem being that such people never confess/admit openly to such problems lest they are seen to be weak leaders. For this matter, they keep to themselves most of the time just referring to their spouse for consolation. The question is, what if the spouse is the problem? According to journal on "Care For Pastors, Learning From Clergy And their Spouses, by Alicia M. Root, Nicole Gilbert, and Adeline Yap, 2005, they advise that the seminary should acknowledge that a problem exist and appropriate strategies put in place to take care of the same5. They also encourage that psychologists should put in place measures to make it friendly for pastors to seek their services without having to go through the queuing process other clients go through if at all they are to help sort this problem

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a viral marketing Research Paper

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a viral marketing strategy and enterprise 2.0 tools - Research Paper Example Moreover there are other enhanced functionalities of Web 2.0 that are comprised of open interaction with a prominence on Web-based community of users. Hence this aspect facilitates the people through more open sharing of information. We can classify this marketing term when we make use of it in  Blogs, wikis, and  Web services  are the entirely seen as part of Web 2.0 (Webopedia, 2011). Web 2.0 Tools and Technologies When we talk about web 2.0 technological aspects, we see a lot of Web 2.0 tools and technologies available in the market. In this scenario various online tools and platforms are available that help us a lot in defining how citizens can share their point of views, ideas, opinions, thoughts, data and information and knowledge. In this scenario, we have various examples of Web 2.0 tools such as weblogs, RSS, video-casting, collective bookmarking, podcasts; multimedia sharing sites and social networking. These tools are helpful for the organizations for attracting more and more people and services. But the most important aspect is that majority of Web 2.0 tools are free of cost and we can use them online. There are numerous Web 2.0 tools such as Blogger, Digg, Word press, Metacafe, Furl, Twitter and YouTube (Scott, 2011). Podcasting If someone wants to play video games, he/she can easily explore a podcast submission Web-site such as By using this site a user might download an auditory review of a competition (game) to use it on their system (Scott, 2011). Blogs Blogs are basically sequential, online diary. We can comment or put forward any suggestion through Blogger or else Word press blog (Scott, 2011). RSS RSS is normally abbreviated as Really Simple Syndication. We can think RSS as a technique for distribution of frequently changing Web contents. However various blogs along with Internet publishers collect their content as an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed to permit people to subscribe it without any difficulty (Scott, 2 011) (Scott, 2011). Social Bookmarking The aspect of social bookmarking facilitates people to visualize and comment on the blog post. In this way a user can carry out this task by distributing it to some blog post to a social bookmarking site. In this scenario there is a well known example that is www. Moreover it is a normal viewpoint that social bookmarking sites are Web pages that are helpful in maintaining common lists of user- formed Internet bookmarks for displaying comment related aspects (Scott, 2011). Social Networking Social networking is a famous term that we hear every day in our normal life. Individuals who visit bookmark web-site for these ‘game assessment’ tags are probably used for our bookmark. Thus large number of individuals can easily explore our bookmark as well as make a comment on it of their choice. Consequently we will think ourselves to be a part of a group of persons who have a common interest in video games although we have examp le of an important social networking site like Digg (Scott, 2011). Viral Marketing Definition Viral marketing is a  term that is commonly used to discuss marketing strategy factors. It is also referred as a marketing methodology that allows and support people to pass along a market related message (MarketingTerms, 2011). The idea of viral marketing is a little bit different as it spreads a thought while its distribution actually